Prescribed oral immunotherapy tablets vs. Circava System™ therapy: Which is the better option for you?

Prescribed allergy immunotherapy tablets are one way a doctor may treat a patient with certain allergies. However, this approach has important drawbacks that those seeking relief from their allergy symptoms should know.

First, tablet treatment options are extremely limited in scope. In the United States, tablets are currently only available for dust mites, grass pollen, and ragweed pollen. Many patients still have allergy symptoms after taking tablets because they have other allergies. According to Thermo Fisher Scientific (an American life science clinical research company), up to 80% of people with allergies are allergic to more than one allergen. These include seasonal allergies, mold, pet dander, and insect allergies.

With Circava System™ therapy, a much wider range of allergies are treated, including seasonal allergies (allergic rhinitis), allergic asthma, bronchial asthma, atopic dermatitis (eczema), allergic conjunctivitis, and more. Each oral dose is custom-formulated for the individual patient’s allergies.

Next, while safer than allergy shots, there remains the risk of adverse reactions with immunotherapy tablets. These include an allergic reaction known as anaphylaxis, which can result in severe itching, nausea, breathing difficulties, and anaphylactic shock. An epinephrine autoinjector may be recommended for patients taking allergy tablets in case the patient experiences an allergic reaction at home (Source: American Academy of Allergy Asthma & Immunology). Additionally, all tablets have a black box restriction.

With many thousands of doses administered, there have been no reported adverse reactions with Circava System therapy. Our patented protocol is based on a gradual and smooth increase in dosage, which is one of the reasons why our therapy enjoys such a high safety profile.

Finally, grass allergy tablets are only approved for patients ages 10 to 65, and ragweed and dust mite tablets are only approved for those ages 18 to 65. Circava System therapy can be used in patients as young as 3.5 years of age, as well as in patients with some autoimmune disease and those taking beta-blockers. In short, more people—including children—can safely benefit from Circava System therapy.

If you are currently prescribed immunotherapy tablets for your allergies and they aren’t having an effect, or if you or a family member are unable to have them prescribed, talk to your doctor about Circava System. Our fast and effective patient-friendly oral drop treatment protocol may be exactly what you’ve been searching for to achieve long-term symptom relief and remission!

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