No other allergy treatment can compare with Circava System™
If you have allergies, you already know there are several ways to go about treating them.
You can purchase over-the-counter medications.
Unfortunately, these only mask your symptoms and work for a very short period of time. Often, you have to buy multiple products for multiple allergies and the cost of these can really add up over time.

For a longer-term solution, your provider can prescribe allergy immunotherapy tablets. However, these are only available in the United States for allergies to dust mites, grass pollen, and ragweed pollen. Most people (80%) with allergies are allergic to more than one allergen, so the odds of these tablets providing relief for all of your allergies are low.
Until recently, the most powerful allergy treatment for multiple allergies was SCIT allergy injections. However, these required dozens of office visits, approximately 160 injections, and the better part of a year to work! What’s more, only 22% of patients receiving these shots reached maintenance level or remission.

What is the Circava System and how is it different?
Circava System™ therapy is a novel, fast-acting oral allergy immunotherapy. Unlike over-the-counter medication, it’s long-lasting and treats the cause of the allergies, not just the symptoms. Compared with prescribed immunotherapy tablets, it can work for all of your allergies, not just dust, ragweed, and pollen. And unlike allergy injections, the vast majority of patients experience symptom relief in as little as 2-4 weeks with Circava System therapy versus several months or more with allergy shots!
What’s more, Circava System can be prescribed to patients as young as 3.5 years old, as well as those with some types of autoimmune diseases and those taking beta blockers.
How does it work?
The patented Circava System protocol consists of easy-to-administer oral immunotherapy drops that you take at night before bedtime. It works with your body’s natural circadian sleep cycle, a time when your immune system becomes more receptive to immunotherapy.
Symptom relief is achieved in an average of 28 days versus 244 days with allergy injections, and 84% of patients reach maintenance level (full remission of allergy symptoms).
Is Circava System therapy safe?
One reason allergy shots take so long and are so inconvenient is that they require you to be supervised by your healthcare provider after each dose to ensure you don’t have a negative reaction. Our Circava System protocol is based on a gradual and smooth increase in dosage, so supervision isn’t required after the initial dose. In fact, only about 3-4 provider office visits are required during the first year.
With many thousands of doses administered, there have been no reported adverse reactions with Circava System therapy.
How can I get Circava System prescribed to myself or a family member?
Simply talk to your provider. If he or she has not previously prescribed Circava System therapy, we are happy to contact them and send them the information they need.
Once you and your provider decide on this therapy, you will take an allergy skin test to help determine the specific allergens to which you are reacting. Once we receive that information, we will custom-formulate your Circava System drops to your specific allergy profile.
You’ll then return to your provider’s office, where you will be shown how to administer the drops yourself and observed for any initial reactions to the treatment. At this point, you will also receive your initial two-week supply of drops.
After two weeks, you’ll return to your provider’s office to receive the next set of drops, which will last you for three months. After this, you visit your doctor approximately once every three months so that they can monitor your progress and furnish you with additional drops.
Is Circava System therapy covered by insurance?
The average American with allergies spends just under $600 per year managing their symptoms with multiple medications, and that is an ongoing expense! Circava System therapy may cost more in the short term, but they are designed to achieve long-term symptom relief and remission, which is why the treatment can save you a great deal of money over the long term! Plus, because Circava System is an out-of-pocket solution, it is a qualified medical expense for HSA and Flex plans.